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AccurioPrint 2100
Echipament productie digitala monocrom SRA3

Avantaje specifice ale produsului  AccurioPrint 2100 :

Conceput pentru volume mari

Volum lunar recomandat

100.000 pagini A4

Imprima hartie groasa si carton
Greutate maximă a hârtiei de pana la 300 gr/m2 in simplex si duplex

Profitabilitate Excelenta

Cost per pagina foarte mic mentinant costul total de utilizare minim

Un motor eficient la baza tuturor: AccurioPrint 2100 este o imprimanta de productie de nivel entry-level pe care te poti baza in totalitate. Aceasta ofera diverse optiuni de finisare in linie pentru a raspunde tuturor necesitatilor clientilor tai intr-un singur flux de lucru.

Creste eficienta: operatorii sistemelor noastre de productie beneficiaza de configurare simpla, un traseu al hartiei extrem de fiabil, productivitate deosebita si o stabilitate automata impresionanta a imaginii. Echipa noastra de cercetare si dezvoltare a pus un accent deosebit pe indeplinirea cerintelor exigente ale industriei de tiparire de azi.

Optimizeaza-ti investitia: dorim sa te asiguram ca obtii maximum de la AccurioPrint 2100, motiv pentru care am optimizat timpilor de configurare pentru a imbunatati productivitatea. Combinand aceasta cu una dintre solutiile noastre software, poti automatiza fluxurile de lucru si maximiza beneficiile investitiei tale.

Ne puteti contacta atat telefonic cat si pe email si echipa noastra va reveni la dumneavoastra in scurt timp.

Media de printare vasta

  • Greutatea hartiei de pana la 300 g/m2 la printare simplex si duplex

  • Indreptarea mecanica a hartiei standard

  • Bypass multiplu

Performanta durabila

  • Pana la 100 A4 pagini pe minut

  • Pana la 56 A3 pagini pe minut

Sophisticated media handling

  • Dual scan color

  • Tava bypass optionala

  • Capacitate de alimentare cu hartie de pana la 9.000 de coli

  • Pana la 5 tavi de alimentare pentru hartie

AccurioPrint 2100
AccurioPrint 2100

Ready-made print products

  • Stivuire de pana la 4.200 de coli

  • Capsare in doua puncte si in colt pana la 100 de coli cu mecanism automat de taiere a capselor

  • Realizare Brosura de pana la 80 de pagini (20 de coli)

  • Perforare cu 2 si 4 gauri

  • Pliere in trei pana la 3 foi

Controller de printare de ultimă generatie

  • Controller Konica Minolta

  • Pentru gestionarea si optimizarea fluxului de lucru AccurioPro PrintManage

Ne puteti contacta atat telefonic cat si pe email si echipa noastra va reveni la dumneavoastra in scurt timp.



  • Durable performance
    Up to 100 A4 pages per minute
    Up to 56 A3 pages per minute

  • Autoduplex speed A4                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Stacking of up to 4,200 sheets
    Two-point and corner Stapling of up to 100 sheets with automatic staple cut mechanism
    Booklet Making up to 80 pages (20 sheets)
    2- and 4 -hole punching
    Tri-folding up to 3 sheets

  • Gearad-up finishing
    ZU-608 for z-folding and punching of sheets
    GBC Punch G3 with different die sets for punching, creasing and perforation
    GBC Wire G1 for A4 and A5 wire bound books
    Max MB-200 for A4 ring bound books

  • Environmental awareness                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Green procurement policy
    Reduced CO₂ emissions
    Carbon-neutral printing available via our “Enabling Carbon Neutrality” program

  • Enhanced scanning performance                                                                                                                                                                                     The dual scanner scans documents in one path
    Double sheet detector
    Max. 240 ipm (A4, 300 dpi)
    Scanner capacity of 300 sheets

  • High-end print control                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Proprietary Konica Minolta controller
    AccurioPro PrintManager for job management optimizes the overall workflow

  • Ease of use
    Simple paper catalogue settings
    Easy-to-follow on-screen instructions

  • Sophisticated media handling
    Colour dual scan
    Optional bypass tray
    Up to 9,000-sheet paper input capacity
    Up to 5 paper input trays

  • Perfect image quality
              1,200 x 1,200 dpi resolution
           Simitri® HD toner technology
    Image density control technology

  • Comprehensive media processing
    Up to 300 g/m2 paper weight in simplex & duplex printing
    Mechanical decurling as standard
    Optional media sensor IM-101 estimates paper weight and type


  • Resolution
    1,200 x 1,200 dpi

  • Paper Weight
    40–300 g/m² (350 g/m² optional*) 

  • Duplex Unit
    Non-stack type; 40–300 g/m²

  • Paper sizes
    Min.: 182 x 139 mm
    Max.: 324 x 463 mm
    Optional: Min.: 95 x 139 mm*
    Max.: 324 x 483 mm**

  • Maximum image area
    314 x 463 mm (up to 483 mm** optional)

  • Paper input capacity
    Standard: 3,000 sheets
    Max.: 9,000 sheets

  • Paper output capacity
    Max.: 4,200 sheets

  • Main unit dimensions (W x D x H)
    990 x 910 x 1,460 mm

  • Main unit weight
    340 kg


  • A4 - max. per minute
    100 ppm

  • A3 - max. per minute
    56 ppm

  • SRA3 - max. per minute
    53 ppm

  • A4 - max. per hour
    6,000 pph  

  • A3 - max. per hour
    3,300 pph

  • SRA3 - max. per hour
    3,120 pph


  • Embedded Konica Minolta controller


  • Scan speed A4
    Up to 240 opm

  • Scan resolution
    600 x 600 dpi

  • Scan modes
    Scan to HDD; Scan to FTP;
    Scan to PC; Scan to eMail;
    Scan to WebDAV;
    Scan to USB Memory;
    HDD to FTP/SMB/WebDAV;
    LDAP supported

  • Scan formats

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        TIFF, PDF; PDF(PDF/A);
    Encrypted PDF; XPS;
    CompactPDF; JPEG


  • Gradiations                           
                     256 gradations

  • FCOT
    Less that 3.4 sec. (A4 LEF)

  • Magnification
    25-400%, in 0.1% steps

  • Multiple copies 

  • All specifications refer to A4-size paper of 80 g/m² quality.

  • The support and availability of the listed specifications and functionalities varies depending on operating systems, applications and network protocols as well as network and system configurations.

  • The stated life expectancy of each consumable is based on specific operating conditions such as page coverage for a particular page size (6% coverage of A4). The actual life of each consumable will vary depending on use and other printing variables including page coverage, page size, media type, continuous or intermittent printing, ambient temperature and humidity.

  • Some of the product illustrations contain optional accessories.

  • Specifications and accessories are based on the information available at the time of printing and are subject to change without notice.

  • Konica Minolta does not warrant that any specifications mentioned will be error-free.

  • All brand and product names may be registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders and are hereby acknowledged.

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